Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cause:Effect, Smoking:Cancer

When I got to the section titled “Cause and Effect in Population,” I became a lot more interested. What caught my eye was the opening line which was “When we say ‘Smoking causes lung cancer,’ what do we mean?” (Epstein 320). Smoking and cancer is always an interesting subject for me to read. This section was also one of the easier ones to grasp in this chapter. I really liked the way it was organized specially with the three different experiments. The examples that followed were also very good. I liked how it continued to talk about smoking and also the second example was about drinking while pregnant. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a serious issue that not many people are aware of so seeing it as an example made it more interesting to me. Also because I was interested about what I was reading about, I believe it played a reason into why I was able to grasp the idea so easy. Great section of the chapter.

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